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3 Ways to Ensure Document Security
Wed Nov 15, 2023 | Base Technologies
Data security impacts every area of your business. While you probably think immediately of email, internet, and network security – and that’s a great place to start – you also have to expand your idea of risk mitigation and protection to the rest of your office. This includes documents, printing, data, stored information, and more.
Data security is just as important for your files and information stored in documents as it is across your network. Here are three ways to make sure that you’re also prioritizing document security to get ahead of any threats.
1)Security Solutions
Security solutions have really changed over the last few years. The primary one is digital document management – a great solution that prevents your files from being copied, stolen, or lost as hard copy items. With digital document management, you can upload your data and documents to the cloud and create a secure digital storage solution.
2)Digital Answers
Going beyond just storage, another great way to establish document security is through file protections in your digital document management system. You can password-protect files, update access, and establish secure remote access – or remove it – as needed.
Also, your digital document management will allow you to remove your hard copy storage systems in order to rely on trusted options like cloud storage and backup systems.
3)Professional Oversight
The final way to make sure that your data, files, and documents are fully protected is to work with a team of experts to create your document management system with experienced, professional oversight. This means talking to our team to get exactly what you need to secure your business.