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Manufacturing Document Management System | BASE Tech Connecticut Skip to main content


In the course of doing business, companies can generate a lot of paperwork.

For manufacturing firms, this can include:

  • Work orders
  • Packing lists
  • Invoices
  • Accounts payable and receivable

Managing all of these documents can become increasingly difficult as they accumulate. Not only can it take time and money to file papers away, but you could lose or misplace some crucial piece of information at an important time. This can lead to frustration for your customers and loss of business and income for you.

For more information on how manufacturing companies can benefit from BASE Technologies’ products and services, contact us.

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Employee utilizing equipment from Base Technologies in a manufacturing firm.

How BASE Technologies Can Help

BASE Technologies helps ensure that you can find records at the right time.

​​​​​​​Our available document management solutions enable you to:

  • Save on expenses for storing physical documents.
  • Effortlessly make information available throughout your company.
  • Quickly locate vendor, product and order information.

Our Managed Print services can also help you get more from your physical documents. We’ll work with you to reduce waste and make your printing more efficient.

We can also provide you with equipment like copiers, scanners, and laser printers to help you convert your paper documents into digital files and more.