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Value-Based Healthcare: A future to look forward to. Skip to main content


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Value-Based Healthcare: A future to look forward to.

Mon May 29, 2023 | Base Technologies

Is Value-Based Healthcare the future of health services?

It's beginning to look that way.

Based on a study conducted earlier this year, a majority of both patients and providers feel that the switch could be very beneficial.

The ideology of value-based healthcare has been around for some time now. It's simple, healthcare organizations will get paid based on the quality of service they provide versus the number of patients they see.

The outcome? 

Patients will receive the most appropriate and cost-effective healthcare treatment every time they seek medical attention.

Then what are we waiting for? Well, such a drastic change in policy leaves a lot to be questioned and though providers are optimistic, they are equally skeptical. 

One major area of concern was the need for additional technology support; more specifically, a reliable and effective form of document management. 

Though only 6% of the providers in this study stated that half of their healthcare contracts are value-based, 67% are expecting half of their contracts to become value-based by 2018.

At BASE, we understand the importance of effective document management. Every service we provide is completely tailored to an organization's needs because document management solutions are not one-size-fits-all.

Interested in optimizing your business's document flow? Contact us today for a completely free comprehensive assessment!

For more details on this study, click here.