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Managed Print Success—Getting Your Staff on Board
Mon May 29, 2023 | Base Technologies
Managed print is an increasingly popular choice among small to medium business, delivering improvements in productivity while lowering print costs.
New office services, especially those centered around technology, are a common experience for businesses of all types and sizes, and staff buy-in is critical to their success. Read on for some tips to help your staff get behind your new Managed Print strategy.
Building the New
Socrates knew what he was talking about when he said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new." Focus on the positive aspect of your new print policies and procedures instead of bringing up problems with the old method. It won't be long before your new Managed Print policies become second nature.
Explain Why Change is Necessary
Change is always a difficult sell, but it's even harder to swallow when no one understands the reason behind it. Office services like Managed Print provide high value to your business, and employee satisfaction is one of them. For example, your staff members will certainly benefit when your organization experiences much less printer downtime under Managed Print services. Explain why change is coming and list the ways your business and your staff will benefit.
Promote the Cause
Ease the transition to more responsible printing habits by initiating an introductory campaign. Highlight the benefits of Managed Print, including:
Minimized printer downtime.
Fewer hassles for your IT staff.
Easier ordering of consumables.
Clearly defined policies and rules for who can print what, and how much.
Optimized devices and workflows to help employees do their jobs better.
Green initiatives that help everyone reduce their impact on the environment.
Ask for Feedback
Employees almost always appreciate and respond to a genuine request for feedback from management. Office services like Managed Print can bring about positive change, but only if everyone is working together for successful implementation. Since no one understands your day-to-day workflows better than your staff, an open dialog with them is a fundamental component to a successful launch.
To learn more about Managed Print and other office services from Base Technologies, get in touch with us today!