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Saving Money on Printing with Managed Print
Wed May 24, 2023 | Base Technologies
Business printing can boast many hidden costs. In fact, many businesses can't pinpoint exactly how much they spend on printing, including equipment and supplies. Since these can be tricky costs to measure, implementing a managed print solution is an excellent way to get a handle on your print-related costs.
Paying for Paper
Out of all printing costs, paper can be the sneakiest. While the actual paper may be affordable, there are fees associated with maintenance, storage, shipping, and so on. In fact, organization experts assert that 50-70% of office space is solely dedicated to filing and storage of documentation. Additionally, many pages are printed unnecessarily and are disposed of quickly, wasting money and valuable resources (energy, ink, and paper). Plus, the associated costs of recycling wasted paper.
The more money spent on printing and storage, the more savings are lost. Managed print services can help you get a handle on your print costs, including supplies, repairs, and maintenance. By assessing how much you are printing and exactly how much it costs your business, we can help you employ cost-cutting measures.
Paperless, Pay for Less
Many businesses are curious, yet skeptical about transitioning to a paperless system. Print and document management systems make it easy to transfer hard copy documents to searchable digital files. Keywords, search capabilities, and user-friendly storage options make this a smart business solution. Not only does a digital document system cut print costs, but it can also save money on physical storage requirements and fees. Use that empty file room for something else now!
Managed print services will also help increase efficiency and workflow. Once we have assessed your print program, we will provide you with detailed information and recommendations based on your unique needs and financial parameters. Working together, we can ensure that you never waste money on paper again!