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Rules Based Printing Makes Cost Reduction Easy
Mon May 29, 2023 | Base Technologies
Here on the BASE Technologies blog, we talk often about managed print services. But today, let's dive in a little closer to examine one of the aspects of our managed print services and how it can benefit your company. Let's talk about Rules Based Printing.
Many business professionals haven't heard of this service, but it could revolutionize the way your office prints. With Rules Based Printing, you can save money, reduce your environmental impact, and keep your company more secure. Here's how it works.
Why Rules-Based Printing is Essential
In the typical office, knowledge workers print often and with few or no restrictions. Companies often implement a few printing policies, maybe even codifying them in large print on signs throughout the office. But frankly, these signs, strategies, and reminders often don't keep employees from hitting the print button on inappropriate jobs that waste ink, paper, time, and company money. Even worse, many of these print jobs compromise your business's security.
Rules Based Printing can eliminate these wasteful practices by controlling how much and what employees can print. Rules Based Printing can restrict:
- Printing certain types of documents, such as websites or emails
- Limit device usage
- Track printer and user output
- Route jobs to different printers as needed
- Reduce overall printing
Rules Based Printing is just one of the features of our managed print services plan, but it could make all the difference in your company. With Rules Based Printing, you'll no longer have to rely on policies or procedures to control printing in your organization. It'll be as simple as choosing a few settings and reaping the benefits.
To learn more about BASE Technologies' managed print services, contact us today.