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Get the Most out of MPS Skip to main content


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Get the Most out of MPS

Mon May 29, 2023 | Base Technologies

An impressive number of businesses across the globe have gotten on board with managed print services (MPS), and they're reaping the benefits. But why do some companies benefit even more than others when it comes to their managed print services benefits? It's a matter of optimization, education, and buy-in.

Change Management

When a company rolls out a new managed print services system, it should change the way that company does printing. That can't stop with management or the managed print services provider; it has to be bought into by the employees all the way up and down the ladder. One telling aspect of a successful managed print services user is how they approached it in the first few weeks. Change management is an incredibly important part of any managed print services roll out. You have to

  1. explain the why behind the changes you're making

  2. educate management well enough to answer any questions and encourage openness,

  3. educate employees, encouraging new habits for their printing activities

Reduced Paper

Once a company has successfully bought into the methodology of managed print services, it's important to use it to its fullest. One way to do this is to use your new found vision (ability to see what is being printed and where) to reduce the amount of printing that is being done. This will save you money, increase the lifespan of your machines, and reduce your carbon footprint.

Once you've taken the ambiguity out of your printing expenditure, things will start to flow much more smoothly. MPS can also help you identify which printers are truly keeping up with their work, letting you know when it's time to upgrade.

If you're ready to reap the benefits of a quality-managed print services system, contact us!